The IEEE 802.3av Task Force is currently working on development of the next-generation, 10 Gbit/s capable Ethernet Passive Optical Network specifications, anticipating to bring a new flavour of PON technology to life by mid 2009.

1/10 Gbit/s downstream, 1/10 Gbit/s upstream, representing a fully coexisting next generation EPON with legacy ONUs on the same PON plant .
Examples of potential ONU implementation with dual rate MAC stack: (a) 10/10 Gbit/s symmetric data rate ONU, (b) 10/1 Gbit/s asymmetric data rate ONU, (c) 1/1 Gbit/s symmetric ONU emulating IEEE 802.3ah equipment, (d) 1/1 Gbit/s symmetric IEEE 802.3ah ONU and its support with IEEE 802.3av OLT.

Figures - uploaded by Paulo Monteiro

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10G EPON Standardization in IEEE 802.3av Project

Marek Hajduczenia1,2,* , Pedro R. M. Inácio1,3 ,

Henrique J. A. da Silva2 , Mário M. Freire 3 , Paulo P. Monteiro 1,4

1 Nokia Siemens Networks Portugal S. A., Rua Irmãos Siemens, nº 1, 2720-093 Amadora, Portugal

2 Institute of Telecommunication, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

University of Coimbra, Pólo II, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal

3 IT-Networks and Multimedia Group, Department of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior,

Rua Marquês de Ávila e Bolama P-6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal

4 Institute of Telecommunication – Pólo de Aveiro, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

*Corresponding author:

Abstract: The IEEE 802.3av Task Force is currently working on development of the next-generation, 10

Gbit/s capable Ethernet Passive Optical Network specifications, anticipating to bring a new flavour of PON

technology to life by mid 2009. © 2008 Optical Society of America

OCIS codes: 060.4250, 060.4510

1. Introduction

The current, effective 1 Gbit/s symmetric data rate supported by the IEEE 802.3-2005 compliant EPON systems

has been considered sufficient for a relatively short period of time. Along with the initial commercial deployments,

service providers started looking for ways of increasing the channel capacity, number of supported customers etc. by

adopting e.g. Turbo EPON solutions, where the downstream channel was operated at the non-standard data rate of

2.5 Gbit/s [1]. However, due to the proprietary nature of this particular solution, it gained limited commercial

momentum. When combined with the ever increasing demand for the raw bandwidth in the access network, the lack

of high-capacity, cost-effective PON system on the market resulted finally in the preparation of the 10G EPON Call

For Interest (CFI), presented during one of the IEEE plenary meetings in 2006 [2].

Several service providers, system integrators and hardware vendors recognized the fact, that in order to assure

steady revenue growth for the years to come in this most cost–sensitive, subscriber oriented network area, resulting

from increasing consumption of rich, high–definition multimedia and personalized digital contents, a higher capacity

EPON was required. It was expected at the time that the new PON equipment developed in the said project will

follow the path of 10–fold capacity increase at 4 times the port price, which was so successfully established by the

Ethernet hardware in the past. The initial establishment of the 10G EPON Study Group in March 2006 spurred a lot

of interest both from the industry (chip vendors, system integrators, component manufacturers) as well as from

carriers and service providers (with varied size: national, incumbent, local cable companies, etc.), leading to a rapid





definition of the scope of the project, potential market applications and technical challenges, which were instantly

identifiable even at such an early development stage of the project. The subsequent detailed evaluation of the

technical feasibility of the future 10G EPON systems during the Study Group phase resulted after only a few

meetings in the conclusion of the draft of the Project Authorization Request (PAR [3]) which was submitted to the

IEEE board for approval during the subsequent plenary meeting.

During the initial meetings of the IEEE 802.3av TF, it became rapidly apparent that the future 10G EPON

equipment must provide a gradual evolution path from the currently deployed 1 Gbit/s symmetric equipment. This in

turns means that the emerging, next generation EPONs must support both symmetric and asymmetric data rates,

allowing for a straightforward coexistence of various generations of the EPON equipment on the same PON plant,

sharing the common physical layer of the network. The gradual evolution from the legacy through coexisting

towards the symmetric 10 Gbit/s EPONs presents a number of technical hurdles, discussed in Section 2. The current

status of the IEEE 802.3av TF is discussed in Section 3, examining the upcoming developments in this particular

standardization project while a brief summary is provided in Section 4..

2. Technical challenges in EPON evolution

During the very process of evolution from the legacy IEEE 802.3 ah compliant 1 Gbit/s EPONs, through

coexisting systems, towards the fully symmetric 10 Gbit/s networks, it is critical to assure a smooth and gradual

progress. Such a particular requirement means that only parts of the active network equipment (OLT and/or ONUs)

can be replaced at each upgrade stage, thus providing the SPs the rare opportunity of maximizing the Return Of

Investment (ROI) for the systems they already heavily invested in when deploying IEEE 802.3ah equipment.

Simultaneously, such provisions allow them to take advantage of the next generation equipment to deliver more

bandwidth demanding services to the (premium) customers willing to pay a slightly higher connection cost.

With such a complicated, techno-economic situation of the access networks in mind, it is probably no surprise

that the issues related with the coexistence with the legacy equipment on the same PON plant have been considered

critical from the very beginning of the project. This further warrants the investigation of the wavelength allocation

schemes, especially for the upstream channel, due to the current occupation of the complete 1310 nm transmission

window by the 1 Gbit/s legacy equipment.

2.1. DBA mechanisms

The Dynamic Bandwidth Algorithm (DBA) mechanism supported currently by the EPON systems is highly

unlikely to suffer from any significant changes during the transition towards the emerging symmetric and

asymmetric 10 Gbit/s EPONs. It is expected that the Task Force will only introduce minor changes to the Multi

Point Control Protocol (MPCP) protocol, required for coexistence between legacy and emerging equipment on the

same PON plant, while leaving the major part of this framework intact. Due to the problems with reaching the

consensus concerning the form and contents of the DBA mechanism to be employed in EPON systems during the





activity of the IEEE 802.3ah TF, it is very unlikely that the DBA agent operation and functionality will find its way

into future release of the IEEE 802.3 standard.

What remains certain though is that the emerging EPONs will have the DBA operation based on the underlying

MPCP layer, which in the case of coexisting, various data rate systems means that the DBA Agent in the OLT will

be responsible for scheduling not one but two mutually cross dependent EPON systems, sharing a single upstream

channel. In the downstream channel, since the 1 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s data paths will be separated via WDM

multiplexing, the DBA agent can schedule the transmission of the GATE MPCP DUs independently. However, the

upstream channel is more problematic, since both legacy and emerging EPONs have various line coding with

incompatible clock rates, which are not even multiples of each other (1.25 GHz and 10.3125 GHz), causing concerns

about the internal MAC Client layer jitter, in the case of having the DBA operation based on a single clock rate only.

This also means that two MAC stacks will have to be implemented (at least the Reconciliation Sublayer (RS) and

lower stack sublayers, due to different encoder/decoder functions as well as different Forward Error Correction

(FEC) mechanisms, which were optional in 1 Gbit/s EPONs and will be most likely mandatory in 10 Gbit/s

systems). Therefore, the MAC Client sublayer will be in effect presented with two independent MAC Service

Interfaces, requiring significant extensions to the operation of the DBA Agent and specific RS sublayer data flow

mapping between currently incompatible interfaces.

2.2. Security considerations

The security threats the future 10 Gbit/s EPON systems will be inherently exposed to are identical with those

characteristic of all PON network structures in general. The underlying transmission channel is passive and uses

optical fibre instead of a standard copper line transmission medium, thus there is no electromagnetic interference

and thus no way to eavesdrop the data stream in-between two PON active communication devices. Therefore, the

man-in-the-middle problem is not commonly considered within the scope of PON systems.

However, data mining and passive monitoring is possible in any PON, constituting the most severe security

flaws in such systems, where the eavesdropping attack can be perpetrated in the downstream channel by connecting

a rogue receiver to one of the drop fibre sections and operating the RS and the linked MAC stack in a so–called

promiscuous mode, i.e. with the Logical Link IDentifier (L LID) and packet filtering rules disabled. Since all the

connected ONUs receive a copy of each downstream data frame transmitted by the OLT (the downstream channel

has broadcast properties in all PONs), no extensive modifications are required in the ONU hardware to enable its

malicious operation. What makes the situation worse is that the employed eavesdropping method is completely

passive, remotely undetectable, and does not trigger any visible side–effects in the network structure/behaviour.

However, the introduction of Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) and System On a Chip (SOC) in both

ONU and OLT hardware may effectively prevent people from tempering with the internal MAC stack

implementations, since the said structures are not reprogrammable. They have the advantage of being highly

optimized to the given operating features, allowing therefore for minimum alterations provisioned by the system

designer and/or malicious user, attempting to alter their functionalities.





The upstream channel on the other hand is commonly considered inherently secure, since the network

architecture and the physical properties of the underlying fibre channel prevent other subscribers from

eavesdropping transmission contents from other stations. Only the OLT receives ONU transmissions and is aware of

the activity periods of individual ONUs. It was argued [4], that the presence of a PSC in the transmission path might

introduce sufficient signal reflections (with enough amplification) to reconstruct upstream transmissions originating

from other ONUs in the network. However, it has not been proven practically, until now, that such a vulnerability

might be exploited [5].

2.3. Downstream channel

The downstream 1 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s data streams in the emerging, next generation EPONs will be WDM

multiplexed, thus creating in effect two independent continuous P2MP channels, separated by a sufficiently large

bandwidth gap, allowing for their uninterrupted operation under any temperature conditions provided for the in the

technical specifications of the emerging hardware . The 1 Gbit/s downstream link will therefore remain centered at

1490 nm with the 20 nm window size (in accordance with the IEEE 802.3-2005, Clause 60), while the new 10 Gbit/s

downstream link will be most likely allocated in the 1570 to 1600 nm window, depending on both the availability of

the laser sources for the OLT and on the optical filter design options and their compatibility with deployed legacy

systems. The allocation of the downstream 10 Gbit/s channel in the 1560+ nm window is currently considered the

best available option, mainly due to limited non–linear impairments and lower 10 Gbit/s signal degradation.

2.4. Upstream channel

In the upstream channel, the WDM channel multiplexing is discouraged mainly due to the high sensitivity of

commonly utilized Directly Modulated Lasers (DML) to chromatic dispersion outside of the 1310 nm transmission

window, which is already occupied by the 1 Gbit/s EPON specifications. Having no ability to modify the existing

technical specification for the legacy systems, only dual rate burst mode multiplexing remains a viable option, as

illustrated in Figure 1. Both 1 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s upstream channel transmissions will thus share the same

transmission window – legacy systems centered around 1310 ± 50 nm, while emerging systems centered around

1270 ± 10 nm [6]. The OLT receiver will gain a new functionality in such a dual rate system. It will have not only to

assure proper power level adjustment via the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) mechanism, but it will also have to

identify the incoming data rate and perform receiver adjustment in such a way to maximize its sensitivity for each

particular burst. The recently approved motion (July 2007 meeting) defining the allocation of the 10 Gbit/s upstream

channel at 1270 ± 10 nm, seems to indicate that future compliance with the emerging ITU G.984.enhanced

specifications may be desired, maximizing the production lots for laser sources.. However, developing an OLT dual

rate burst-mode receiver is a non–trivial task and will require significant research to be conduced by the electronics

and receiver manufacturers.





Figure 1: 1/10 Gbit/s downstream, 1/10 Gbit/s upstream, representing a fully coexisting next generation EPON with legacy ONUs on the

same PON plant .

2.5. Dual Rate MAC Stack

The dual rate upstream channel transmission requires the new, emerging EPONs to have both IEEE 802.3av and

IEEE 802.3ah stacks implemented at least on the OLT side, supporting both 10 Gbit/s and 1 Gbit/s data rates. The

OLT side is more critical since a new IEEE 802.3av complaint device must provide services to legacy 1 Gbit/s,

emerging asymmetric 10/1 Gbit/s and future symmetric 10 Gbit/s ONUs, without forcing the service provider to

replace the equipment when new ONU type is introduced in the system. For this particular reason, it is thus expected

that two full MAC stacks will be implemented on the OLT side, while the ONUs will require proper implementation

of the respective Rx/Tx paths, assuring the designed data rate compatibility.

For standardization purposes, it is assumed that both complete MAC stacks (i.e. 1 and 10 Gbit/s ones) are

implemented in the ONU, and that only required Rx/Tx paths are activated. However, in real commercial devices

such extravagance would not be accepted, and thus only necessary fragments of the stacks would be implemented in

hardware, leaving out the inert paths not impeding the operation of the required sublayers (the Rx and Tx paths are

independent in full-duplex MACs).

Figure 2 depicts examples of symmetric and asymmetric ONU implementation and operation. Please note that

both presented ONUs can be easily connected to a single dual rate capable OLT, when implementing 1 and 10

Gbit/s MAC stacks, as depicted in the same figure.

The detailed and conceptual internal structure of a new dual rate OLT is depicted in Figure 3, where the

received signal is split at the PMD layer and injected into two separate PCS stacks, which perform synchronization

with the incoming data stream, from which only one will be successful. The other PCS Rx path will continue

generating the RX_ER signal, indicating that the synchronization process was not completed successfully. The

extended RS layer for 10 Gbit/s EPONs would then need to perform at least one additional functionality, which was

not present in IEEE 802.3ah systems. When a valid data stream is received on one of the interfaces, e.g. XGMII, and

the other interface (GMII in this case) has RX_ER, the RX_ER shall be replaced with IDLE characters, which are

then handled accordingly by the appropriate MAC. Please note also that, depending on the system configuration, a





series of valid MAC types will have to be implemented in the OLT, namely symmetric data rate MACs (10 Gbit/s

DS and 10 Gbit/s US) and asymmetric ones (10 Gbit/s DS and 1 Gbit/s US).

Figure 2: Examples of potential ONU implementation with dual rate MAC stack: (a) 10/10 Gbit/s symmetric data rate ONU, (b) 10/1

Gbit/s asymmetric data rate ONU, (c) 1/1 Gbit/s symmetric ONU emulating IEEE 802.3ah equipment, (d) 1/1 Gbit/s symmetric

IEEE 802.3ah ONU and its support with IEEE 802.3av OLT.

Such a system configuration allows for simplified implementation of any combination of upstream and

downstream data rates. New functions implemented inside the RS sublayer could are assumed to identify the

incoming data frame, based on the LLID, and direct it to the appropriate bound MAC entity, based on the entry in

the MIB data base. This particular functionality would allow therefore for simplified migration from legacy into

emerging EPON systems, providing a one time upgrade for the OLT card, which would then support any type of

connected ONU, regardless of its standard, output data rate, etc.





Figure 3: A possible conceptual internal structure of the dual rate OLT.

The main technical challenges identified in the above-presented system architecture include mainly the actual

operation of dual rate MAC entities as well as the hardware integration level required to achieve such complicated

structures in a single piece of a silicon, bearing in mind that at least the bottom sublayers must operate at the wire

speed of 10.3125 Gbaud. Symmetric MAC stacks (both 1 Gbit/s EPON and 10 Gbit/s Ethernet MACs) are available,

and are relatively well tested. The asymmetric MAC operating with two distinctively different data rates in the

receive and transmit paths requires further research and investigation on the impact of the timing jitter issues. The

influence of the different time base (Time Quanta, as defined in the IEEE 802.3ah standard) on the operation of the

MAC client layer and the MPCP control plane must also be examined in more detail in the near future, by the TF,

constituting an interesting area of research on the logical layer of next generation EPON systems.

3. Ongoing development in the IEEE 802.3av project

Currently (end of October 2007), the IEEE 802.3av TF is working on resolving the issues related with the

downstream channel wavelength allocation for the so-called greenfield deployment power budgets i.e. PR10 and

PR20, as well as on the particular parameters of the power budgets for all classes which will be eventually

standardized. The first of the issues is related directly with the requirements presented to PR10/20 systems. In most

cases, they will be most likely deployed in green-field scenarios, with no coexistence with the legacy EPONs, with

no analog video overlay, providing only digital services to the end subscribers. It was argued [7, 8] that the

downstream channel should in such a case take advantage of the C band (in particular, the 1545 – 1565 nm





window), where the attenuation is minimum, while the utilization of Externally Modulated Laser (EML) sources can

resolve the issues with the dispersion penalties. However, such a wavelength allocation would close the possibility

for these systems to be deployed in coexisting environments along with PX10 and PX20, which were deployed in

bulk. Several members of the TF proposed an alternative solution, placing the downstream wavelength for 10G

EPONs in the 1580 – 1600 nm band [9], aligned with the CWDM grid and the PR30 class channel allocation (1574

– 1580 nm, 6 nm wide), allowing for development of a single, unified ONU receiver, supporting all emerging 10G

power classes. Unfortunately, neither of the groups managed to assure 75% support from the TF members and the

issue remains unresolved for the moment. It is expected that the upcoming plenary November 2007 meeting will see

a compromise and final definition of the downstream channel allocation.

The power budget parameters i.e. launch power, receiver sensitivity etc. are subject to even hotter discussion

than the downstream channel allocation, mainly because these parameters define in practice which devices become

standard compliant in the future. Currently, the TF has not adopted any particular parameters for ONU/OLT Tx/Rx

devices, apart from several generic guidelines, limiting the scope of the any future proposals submitted to the TF. It

was decided e.g. that the PR20 ONU will have sensitivity typical of PINs and PR30 ONU will have sensitivity

typical of APDs. This means only that the TF must now decide what the typical sensitivity figures for PIN and APD

receivers operating at 10 Gbit/s are. Despite several TF members voicing futility of such proceedings, the adopted

series of the technical motions narrows down the options for both ONU and OLT PMDs, focusing the discussion on

the vital aspects of the parameter selection process. The said set of motions allowed e.g. to observe that the PMD

count can be potentially minimized by sharing a single PMD across two power classes, thus limiting the PMD

proliferation characteristic to recent IEEE projects.

It is also worth mentioning that the TF will have to define one additional PMD (though only unidirectional one)

for 1 Gbit/s legacy EPONs, due to the existence of the PR30 power class, which when operated in asymmetric

mode, requires a PX30 counterpart for the upstream channel – a PMD which currently does not exist. Even though it

may seem contradictory for the 10G EPON TF to define 1 Gbit/s capable PMD, it is well within the scope of the

PAR for the project to define asymmetric data links, thus the authorization to create a PX30 class upstream channel

link. The TF decided to leave this particular PMD for the end of the standardization process and it is most likely that

the said PMD shall adopt a set of parameters used already in practically deployed PX30-like systems in Japan.

4. Summary

10 Gbit/s EPONs will deliver much more bandwidth to the end–subscribers, when compared with current

(legacy) 1 Gbit/s equipment and CATV network using the DOCSIS 3.0 protocol, making it a good replacement

architecture candidate for next generation CATV networks [10]. The increase in the raw data channel capacity alone

will be possible without forcing drastic changes to the existing video distribution model employed by cable

operators, while assuring that the currently deployed PON plants generate profit for a number of years without any

required modifications. This means that the emerging, next-generation systems will assure complete backward

compatibility with already mass-deployed legacy EPONs, providing therefore a gradual and smooth transition path

towards higher data rate, digital oriented content delivery model. It is expected that the 10G EPONs will keep on





utilizing the analog video delivery systems for the time being, mainly due to the large investments carried out by the

SPs in the past when deploying 1 Gbit/s EPONs. However, as time goes by and legacy equipment is removed from

the PON, video content delivery will gradually shift to IP-based distribution systems.

The 10G EPON Task Force is currently entering the most critical phase of the standardization project, where

consensus must be reached on the basic physical parameters of the data links for several power budgets. Providing

that the expected time-line is met, the new specifications for next-generation EPONs should be available in mid-

2009, well-ahead of any competitive ITU-T GPON class specifications. This particular fact may potentially increase

the adoption of the 10G EPON as next generation access solution in more markets than before, providing that the

economy of the scale works in a similar way to the 1G EPON case [11].

5. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to acknowledge Glen Kramer (Teknovus Inc., Petaluma, CA, USA) and Nuno Borges

(Nokia Siemens Networks S.A., Portugal) for being open to all questions related with EPONs.

Authors kindly acknowledge financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal,

through the grant contract SFRH/BDE/15524/2004 & SFRH/BDE/15592/2006 and from Nokia Siemens

Networks S.A., Portugal.

6. References

[1] Teknovus Ltd., "Teknovus and Fiberxon Cooperate on "Turbo" EPON," Teknovus Press Release, available online at: 2007.

[2] IEEE 802.3, "Call For Interest: 10 Gbps PHY for EPON," online report, available at: ,


[3] G. Kramer, "Project Authorization Request (PAR) Process," electronic report, available at:, 2007.

[4] G. Kramer, B. Mukherjee, and A. Maislos, Multiprotocol over DWDM: Building the Next Generation Optical Internet: Ethernet Passive

Optical Networks: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.

[5] O.-P. Pohjola and A. Tervonen, "Secure upstream transmission in passive optical networks," vol. US 2005/0074239 A1. USA, 2005, pp. 12.

[6] IEEE 802.3av TF, "Baseline Proposals," electronic report, available at: , 2007.

[7] B. Y. Yoon, "D/S Power & Wavelength Plan," electronic report, available at: 2007.

[8] D. Lee, "C-band Wavelength Plan for 10G EPON downstream," electronic report, available at: 2007.

[9] F. Effenberger and M. Hajduczenia, "Downstream Wavelength Range Review," electronic report, available at: 2007.

[10] R. Lin, "Consideration on Coexistence Problem of 10GEPON," electronic report, available at: 2007.

[11] A. Kasim, P. Adhikari, N. Chen, N. Finn, N. Ghani, M. Hajduczenia, P. Havala, G. Heron, M. Howard, L. Martini, R. Metcalfe, M.

O'Connor, M. Squire, W. Szeto, and G. White, Delivering Carrier Ethernet : Extending Ethernet Beyond the LAN , 1 ed: McGraw-Hill

Osborne Media, 2007.




... As is well known, 10G-EPON has been considered as a promising solution to the increasing bandwidth requirement for access networks. The forward error correction (FEC) has become an indispensable module in 10G-EPON standards to supply a coding gain of ~6.4 dB under ideal conditions [1][2][3][4]. 10G-EPON works at burst mode with the speed of 10 Gb/s at the uplink, which also put forward higher request for synchronization on the optical line terminal (OLT) side. Therefore, FEC and high-speed synchronization are both the key technologies in 10G-EPON system. ...

... First, the 66 bits sequence is divided into six sections, each section contain 11 bits and occupy 10 adders. Set Dis0, Dis1… and Dis5 as the output HD of the pipelining register, then Dis0=(((D[0]+D [1])+(D [2]+D [3]))+… + (D[6]+D [7])))+ ((D[8]+D[9])+D [10]) , (6) Second, adding the output HD of six pipelining registers up, which need 5 adders. On the whole, the total number of necessary adders is 6~105. ...

  • Min Zhang
  • Yue Cui
  • Q. Li
  • Mingtao Liu

This article puts forward parallel forward error correction(FEC) codec for 10 Gb/s Ethernet passive optical network (10G-EPON), which adopts 8-parallel algorithm based on improved state space transformation (SST) method for Reed-Solomon (RS) encoder and 9-parallel algorithm based on enhanced degree computationless modified Euclid's (EDCME) algorithm to solve the key equation for RS decoder. The designed 10 Gb/s codec and high-speed synchronizer are implemented with Verilog HDL on Xilinx FPGA ML523. The implementation results show that, with the high-speed synchronizer, the RS (255, 223) encoder and decoder are able to operate at 15.232 Gb/s and 13.2 Gb/s respectively with shorter time latency than those of the reported designs.

... This philosophy has been the key to the tremendous commercial success of Ethernet. The Physical layer is subdivided into six blocks [12]: ...

The purpose of this paper is to provide a multilayer review of the two major standards in next generation Passive Optical Networks (PONs) and technologies, the ITU-T 10-Gigabit-capable PON (XG-PON) and the IEEE 10 Gigabit Ethernet PON (10G-EPON). A study and a discussion on the standards are performed. The main intention of this paper is to compare XG-PON and 10G-EPON, mainly in terms of physical and data link layers. The paper answers the question of what are the common elements and the basic execution differences of the two standards. Moreover, critical points are raised regarding the Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) schemes of both standards. Special focus is also pointed in the coexistence of XG-PON and 10G-EPON. Finally, the paper includes a discussion of open issues and continuing research regarding the two standards.

... This philosophy has been the key to the tremendous commercial success of Ethernet. The Physical layer is subdivided into six blocks [12]: ...

The purpose of this paper is to provide a multilayer review of the two major standards in next generation Passive Optical Networks (PONs) and technologies, the ITU-T 10-Gigabit-capable PON (XG-PON) and the IEEE 10 Gigabit Ethernet PON (10G-EPON). A study and a discussion on the standards are performed. The main intention of this paper is to compare XG-PON and 10G-EPON, mainly in terms of physical and data link layers. The paper answers the question of what are the common elements and the basic execution differences of the two standards. Moreover, critical points are raised regarding the Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) schemes of both standards. Special focus is also pointed in the coexistence of XG-PON and 10G-EPON. Finally, the paper includes a discussion of open issues and continuing research regarding the two standards.

... It may be noted that reconfigurable remote nodes in the PON were also proposed and demonstrated with optical fuse, variable optical splitter [10]–[13], which can increase the reliability of the PON without sending truck roll to the RN. The evolution to NG-PON became more realistic [14], [15]. Especially, WDM-PON based on the wavelength locked Fabry–Perot laser diode (F-P LD) has been already commer- cialized [16]–[18] and color-free operation of a WDM-PON with 40 Gb/s (32 1.25 Gb/s) capacity is also demonstrated for future NG-PON [19]. ...

Passive optical networks (PONs) are telecommunication networks that provide services to users by no active elements. Only passive elements are used in the network to transmit the information and signals between users as well as between users and the companies operating the telecommunication networks. PON have evolved from their infancy as fine and economical ideas, toward a long‐term, reliable, and cost‐effective technical solutions for providing access to most users to high‐speed Internet by Fiber‐to‐the‐Home (and similar) solutions. PON are still evolving, providing the base of multiple standardized networks and in combination with different technologies are growing into metropolitan networks and extensions of mobile communications. Herein, we overview the state of the art of passive optical networks as well as their basic concepts. This work is divided into four sections: In Section 1, we give a summary of the main concepts of passive optical networks. Sections 2 and 3 introduce the most important features of ITU‐T Recommendations and IEEE Standards for passive access networks, respectively. Finally, Section 4 concludes the article with an overview on the future trends of PONs for access networks.

The interoperability of standard WiMAX and gigabit passive optical networks (GPONs) is shown to overcome the wireless spectrum congestion and provide resilience for GPON through the use of overlapping radio cells. The application of centralized control in the optical line terminal and time division multiplexing for upstream transmission enables efficient dynamic bandwidth allocation for wireless users on a single wavelength as well as minimized optical beat interference at the optical receiver. The viability of bidirectional transmission of multiple uncoded IEEE 802.16d channels by means of a single radio-frequency subcarrier at transmission rates of 50 and 15 Mbits/s downstream and upstream, respectively, for distances of up to 21 km of integrated GPON and WiMAX microcell links is demonstrated.

  • Sang-Yuep Kim

This paper discusses the technical issues of advanced modulation formats for future access. It will also review the results of DSP-enabled phase noise cancellation in an optical coherent detection, which is essential for power budgeting.

  • Charles Chen
  • Zino Chair
  • Balakumar Velmurugan

This paper describes and discusses critical technical issues related to the design and implementation of the emerging 10G EPON technology, particularly from system-on-chip perspectives. It also provides guidelines to effectively design the new devices.

  • Konstantinos Kanonakis
  • Ioannis Tomkos Ioannis Tomkos

This paper introduces a novel framework for dynamic bandwidth assignment (DBA) in gigabit passive optical networks (GPONs) employing the Offset-Based Scheduling with Flexible Intervals (OSFI) concept in order to achieve distribution of bandwidth in such networks ensuring not only high system utilization but also clean-cut quality of service (QoS) differentiation based on the individual demands of user services. In addition, ways to enhance efficiency in the case of next generation long-reach GPONs are discussed. A thorough description of the proposed mechanisms is provided, while the improved system performance is verified using simulations.

Secure upstream transmission in passive optical networks

  • O.-P Pohjola
  • A Tervonen

Teknovus and Fiberxon Cooperate on "Turbo" EPON Teknovus Press Release, available online at: Page.cfm?PageID=140&CategoryID=14

  • Teknovus Ltd

Multiprotocol over DWDM: Building the Next Generation Optical Internet: Ethernet Passive Optical Networks

  • G Kramer
  • B Mukherjee
  • A Maislos

Downstream Wavelength Range Review

  • F Effenberger
  • M Hajduczenia

Project Authorization Request (PAR) Process," electronic report

  • G Kramer

G. Kramer, "Project Authorization Request (PAR) Process," electronic report, available at:, 2007.

C-band Wavelength Plan for 10G EPON downstream

  • D Lee

Consideration on Coexistence Problem of 10GEPON

  • R Lin

R. Lin, "Consideration on Coexistence Problem of 10GEPON," electronic report, available at: 2007.

Delivering Carrier Ethernet : Extending Ethernet Beyond the LAN

  • O ' Connor
  • M Squire
  • W Szeto
  • G White

O'Connor, M. Squire, W. Szeto, and G. White, Delivering Carrier Ethernet : Extending Ethernet Beyond the LAN, 1 ed: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, 2007. a2133_1.pdf NMD4.pdf OFC/NFOEC 2008

Call For Interest: 10 Gbps PHY for EPON

IEEE 802.3, "Call For Interest: 10 Gbps PHY for EPON," online report, available at:, 2006.